Mr. President, Vaccinate the Teachers

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to ask you to prioritize the vaccination of teachers. I suspect that many are vying for your attention on this matter. Please hear out my case for vaccinating teachers sooner rather than later.

My wife Meredith and I have two kids, a fifth-grader named Anna and a second-grader named Ollie. They have both been in remote learning since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meredith and I are both pastors and as such have the flexibility to stay home with them and help with their schooling. We’ve reconfigured our home, adopted our own technology and have learned how to teach along the way. Our teachers have taught valiantly, and our children have endured courageously. But there have been considerable struggles along the way. All of us are nearing a breaking point.

Now that our district is trying to return to in-person education, there is considerable turmoil and controversy. Teachers are anxious about their safety. Administrators are faced with very flawed options. Parents are at their wits’ end. The kids are worried about their safety while wanting desperately some normalcy to return. The community is at odds with each other over the right solution. I have no doubt that, given Dr. Biden’s expertise and insight, you see the detriment of this kind of chaos.

Mr. President, the simplest solution is to vaccinate the teachers. By prioritizing the vaccination of teachers, you allow American children to get vital pieces of their childhood back. You allow working parents to return to work. You allow teachers to return to the classroom with confidence in their safety. You allow administrators to make great choices instead of agonizing ones. Of all the sectors of our society who are eagerly awaiting vaccination, prioritizing teachers is the best first step in reopening communities across the nation.

Thank you again for your commitment to the health and safety of the nation. I know you have a lot of voices to consider, and I trust you will choose wisely. Thank you for listening.

Prayerfully yours, Rev. Christopher Gudger-Raines

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